Synergy Network Sage Training 2015 Update
Synergy Network Sage Training 2015 Update
Synergy Network provides two types of training…
- Classroom style training and
- Customised one-on-one training at end user premises or online by internet remote training.
We have just recently finished a long period of software training in the following counties this year
- Sligo Local Enterprise office Sage Improvers
- Cavan Local Enterprise office Sage Improvers
- Roscommon Local Enterprise office Sage Improvers
- Leitrim Local Enterprise office TAS Improvers & Sage introduction
- Monaghan Local Enterprise office Sage introduction
All of the six programmes listed above involved a mixed element of both classroom and onsite tutor lead training for software users in the five counties listed above.
We will be holding some more courses this autumn which are as follow…(Click on the links to book online)
- Monaghan Local Enterprise office Computerised Accounts intro (September 2015)
- Cavan Local Enterprise office Sage Improvers (October 2015)
In the early part of this year we continued our programme of training for Revenue staff on Sage 50 accounts over a three day course. The training took place at the revenue offices in Dublin, Cork, Limerick and Galway.
More training for Revenue staff is due to recommence in October this year and continue on into Spring 2016.
For more information on any of our training courses
please contact Malcolm on 0719146815 or email