GDPR – Individual Rights and Sage 50 Accounts
GDPR and Sage 50 Accounts
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into force this Friday May 25th, increases the individual’s rights on the personal data any company or organisation holds on them. Individuals will have the right to know the reason you hold data on them and what you use it for, and also, the right to request that the data be amended or destroyed. How does this relate to Sage 50 Accounts?
Sage 50 Accounts assists you carry out your business by holding the data you require. However, if some of the data you process in Sage is personal data, i.e. if it relates to an identifiable person, you must make sure you are aware of an individual’s rights under GDPR.
It is advisable for businesses to review their procedures to ensure they comply with GDPR. Find out more from. You can find out more about GDPR from the Data Protection Commissioner website.
Right to be informed
People must be told what you are doing with their data – including in Sage 50 Accounts. A privacy statement is generally required to cover you holding any personal data amongst the data from your customers and suppliers in Sage Accounts.
Right of access to information
Individuals have the right to request access to their personal data. They have a right to:
- Confirmation that you’re holding their data.
- Access their personal data.
- Access other supplementary information.
If an individual sends you an access request, you must send them the above information.
Right to correction of data
If you hold personal data, it is your responsibility to ensure it is accurate and up to date. An individual can ask at any time that you correct their data. This would need to be updated also in Sage 50 Accounts.
The new customer and supplier contacts reports in Sage 50 Accounts allows you to locate individuals’ names in your records. Read more.
You can edit any records which hold personal data, such as names and email addresses.
Right to erasure
If an individual requests that their personal data is deleted, it must be deleted unless there is a legal reason for keeping such data.
Right to restrict processing
Individuals have the right to stop further processing of their personal data. If a person requests this, you can still store their personal data, but you cannot process it further.
If required, information can be anonymised within a record or you can remove the non-relevant information.
Right to data portability
When someone has given their personal data to you based on consent or a contract, they can request the return of this data in a machine-readable and structured format. This means that it is structures in a way that software can extract the data for example, in an Excel or CSV file, instead of a Word or PDF doc.
Sage 50 Accounts lets you export data in a format that can be imported into other software if necessary.
Right to object
Mainly related to personal data being used for marketing and profiling, individuals have the right to object to the processing of their data.
For More information on Sage 50c Accounts v24
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