Sage Critical Update Issue

COMING SOON in Sage v24

COMING SOON in Sage v24

Sage v24

Sage 50c Accounts Software is constantly improving because Sage is always listening to customers in order to bring you the best software your business deserves now.  With the release of Sage v24 you get the features you deserve, the way you want them.

We in Synergy Network have been accredited Sage Business Partners for over 20 years now. We are very excited by the new version of Sage v24 that is due to be released next month.

Some of the excellent new features coming soon include:

Bank Feed Rules

Building on the excellent Bank feeds feature in Sage 50 accounts  v23, you now can apply transaction information and instruction rules to the information coming in from the bank and have this post automatically to data.

  • Reduces manual data entry
  • Reduces Time Spent on Bank Reconciliation

Go Cardless

Go Cardless integration allows customers to set up direct debit with their customers so they can get paid faster

  • Get paid on time, every time
  • Lower costs than other payment collections

Hiding Records

You can now hide Inactive Bank Accounts and Inactive Nominal records.
This was the number 1 most requested idea from end Users

  • Makes Navigating the software easier
  • Easily switch between inactive records being viewed or not

Exclude Suppliers

Exclude suppliers from a payment run that are set up as Direct Debit.
This was the number 2 most requested idea from end Users

  • Save Time not manually removing suppliers from payment file
  • Process payment with peace of mind all the suppliers are accounted for

For More Information on Sage v24
Call Malcolm Mc Donagh (071) 914 6815

