What’s new in Sage Payroll v21.2?
Sage Payroll v21.2 is here, have you updated yet? V21.2 comes with new functions to help you prepare for PAYE Modernisation:
- Register your payrolls to use the Sage Online Services to ROS.
- Specify employees’ country of residence within their records.
What other features does v21.2 include?
Sage Payroll v21.2 also includes the following features:
- Generate an employee list for PAYE Modernisation when you are contacted by the Revenue to submit one.
- Validate Payroll Data feature– this checks your software for data older than six years which should be removed under the GDPR and provides guidance on what to do with such data.
- Fields to record Employment IDs.
- Cater for employees with PAYE exclusion orders.
- Flag status for proprietary and non-proprietary directors.
- PRSI Exemption option so you can exclude employees from PRSI calculations, if required.
- Tax agents are able to record their Tax Advisor Identification Number (TAIN).
- Flags that indicate if staff are on a shadow payroll.
- Changes to the Re-Instate Leaver utility.
Micropay changes to Sage Payroll
For anyone upgrading from Sage Micropay v21.0, Sage Payroll is the new name for this software.
For More Information on Sage Payroll v21.2
Call: Malcolm (071) 914 6815
Email: sales@synergynet.ie