Sage Data Management

Sage v28.1 Data Management

Data Management

In this blog we are looking at one of the exciting new features of Sage v28.1, data management.

The functionality already exists in the software to run “Clear Audit Trail” to a certain date or to delete old customers, invoices or stock items etc. This new feature gathers all these options together in one handy place.

Sage Data Management

When you logon to Sage and your data has reached that critical point where records should be deleted, you will see the above icon at the top right hand corner of the screen.

When you click on it the following window appears…

Sage Data Management

As described, by removing old records from Sage you can speed up your reports and check data routines. For compliance with Revenue Audits etc we recommend that you keep two years of live data for running reports etc.


Make a backup of your data, labelling it “Before Clear Audit Trail”. Although the Archive option says “Optional”, in our opinion it is Mandatory. Create an archive and also label it before “Clear Audit Trail”.

The four options are

  • Clear Audit Trail
  • Delete Invoices
  • Review Customer records
  • Review Supplier records

You will be able to remove more customer and supplier records if you run a clear audit trail first.

We recommend that you ring support on (071) 9146815 for further assistance with Sage v28.1 Data Management.