Sage 50 and Power BI
Are you looking for insightful dashboards to enhance your Sage 50 reports? We can offer you advanced reporting with Sage 50 and Power BI via a choice of third parties.
Many of our clients have advanced reporting needs in Sage eg Profit and Loss by department, and very often the only way we have of generating these reports is with Microsoft Excel and the use of macros. These reports are very often hard coded so that eg when the client adds a new department to their Sage company, the report has to be edited also.
In addition managers and non Sage users are looking to generate meaningful visual reports, not just columns of numbers in a spreadsheet. Microsoft’s Power BI provides the answer. With a 3rd party software plugging the gap between Sage 50 and Power BI you too can be swiftly on your way to generating new powerful reports from your accounting package.
Watch the two videos below to give you a flavour of what’s on offer…
For a monthly fee you can available of a suite of reports provided on a dashboard accessible online. If you have differing reporting needs, customised reports are available at an extra cost.
If dashboard reporting with Sage 50 interests you please contact James Doyle (071) 9146815 or email
We look forward to hearing from you!