Reporting Solution for Local Development Companies

Reporting Solution for Local Development Companies

Reporting Solution for Local Development Companies using Sage50

The Local Development sector in Ireland is a vibrant sector where partnerships deliver community and rural development, social inclusion, and social enterprise services. Due to their wide remit they have many sources of funds which need to be accounted for separately. This complexity means that most of out of the box small business accounting packages do not provide the reports required. Based on our experience of implementing Sage 50 in a number of these Development companies, we have developed a reporting solution which provide management with the information required.


Departmental reports

We have created Sage50c departmental reports for individual programmes

Reimbursement report

This report provides Finance managers with the amount which each programme bank account needs to reimburse the Business Bank account

Reporting Solution for Local Development Companies

Reporting Solution for Local Development Companies

SICAP Lot Cost report

This report includes the Vat amounts for the SICAP report

RDP monthly report

This report shows the Leader amount as well as the Total value of the payment

Apportionment Tool

We have also developed a tool, Apport50, for Apportioning invoices/payments across the various programmes based on a number of Apportionment Scenarios.

Apportionment Tool for Sage 50c

Apportionment Tool for Sage 50c

You just enter the total value of the invoice and choose the Apportionment method and it will split the invoice over the various programmes including the Vat accounting on the SICAP programme.

You can read more about this tool here.

Contact James Doyle on (071) 9146815 or for further information.