Client Focus – RosChem Products
RosChem Products
The town of Elphin in county Roscommon is most famous for its fully restored, working 18th century windmill which opened as a tourist attraction in 1996. Our award winning client Roschem Products is busy putting Elphin on the map for other reasons!
RosChem Products was set up in 1993 by Haulie Byrne to manufacture high quality products for all aspects of the cleaning industry in Ireland and export markets. This local company, which employs six people full-time was purchased by Vincent Campbell in 2008 and was the winner of the LEO Roscommon County Enterprise Award 2016.
Sage Training and Support
In 2013 Haulie decided to make the switch from TAS Books to Sage 50 accounts. James Doyle our managing director spent a half day on site with Haulie and Trisha training and exploring issues such as VAT. A later decision was made in 2015 to upgrade their Sage in order to avail of order processing and foreign trader.
Sage on the go
Roschem’s accountants based in Dublin use Sage Drive to access the Roschem Sage data once a year. No exchange of backups or costly trips down the country are involved. Their accountant John can login to Sage, run his own reports and post any year end adjustments, all while Trish is working ahead in her new financial year.
Adept Sage 50 Order and Invoice Entry
Roschem needed a fast and convenient method for entering Sales Orders into Sage due to volume of orders. They needed instant access to historical orders and a way of instantly updating special prices negotiated for customers over the phone. James recommended and implemented the Adept add-on “Adept Sage 50 Order and Invoice Entry”
Managing the warehouse
Roschem was looking for a way to manage the orders coming into the warehouse. They envisaged a system incorporating a noticeboard for easy access for warehouse staff to the sales orders coming from Sage. An additional requirement was a customised paper size so they opted for an Epson receipt printer. Synergy Network’s support team created a special sales order layout in Sage that could print out on a receipt printer – no mean feat!
Going from strength to strength
On May 25th, the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’ Connor T.D., announced the Irish small businesses that reached the National Enterprise Awards Final, which is organised by the Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs). Congratulations to Roschem for being included in the finalists. We wish Vincent and the team every continued success in the future.