How do I check my Sage Payroll data is ready for PAYE Modernisation?
The first stage of PAYE Modernisation will be Real Time Reporting, starting in January 2019. Here is a guide to make sure you are ready.
1. Check your Sage Payroll software is up to date
Install any available updates – these will have improvements for the new regime. Check in Help > Check for Updates.
2. Check company information
Check that your tax registration no., contact details and address are correct in Sage Payroll – you should also include this information in your returns to Revenue.
3. Validate your Payroll
Click on Reports in the menu bar > Validate Payroll Data. Should any errors appear on the report, you need to resolve them.
4. Record Tax Advisor Identification Number (TAIN) if applicable
This is only applicable if you are a tax agent who runs a payroll on behalf of an employer. Enter TAIN in Sage Payroll.
5. Check employee records
Each employee record must have their PPS no., date of birth, address and county.
Directors: you must say whether they are proprietary or non-propietary.
Employees starting this year: make sure you specify start date in their employee record and that you have submitted a P45 (part 3) or P46 to ROS file to Revenue.
Employees leaving: make sure to specify their finish date and period in Employee Details. Also, submit their P45 to Revenue and give the official one to the employee themselves.
Any employee with a PAYE exclusion order: input the details in their record.
Employees exempt from PRSI: state this in their record.
For employees on shadow payroll: specify this in their record.
6. Submit employees list to ROS
Employers are required to submit an up to date list of employees to Revenue. You can generate a list from within Sage Payroll. Read more and see how here.
You can only submit this list once.
For More information on Sage Payroll
Call Malcolm on (071) 9146815 or Email