Sage Critical Update Issue

Payroll Year End (PYE 2015)

payroll year end

payroll year end

Quickpay v15.2/v16.0  and Micropay v17.2/v18.0 (Payroll Year End Updates) are available. The payroll year end release will update your software for the 2015 year end tasks and also contains the budget 2016 changes. The updates are available on

Clients are advised to make sure they import the correct Revenue Tax credits for 2016 before  processing payroll for next year.

For Sage payroll support hours over the Christmas Holidays click here.

Steps to take

  1. Install your year end update
  2. Prepare for your year end
  3. Process your year end
  4. Get ready for the new tax year

For full details head to the website using the links below…

Processing the Micropay Payroll Year End

Processing the Quickpay Payroll Year End


Tips and Hints

  • Holiday pay over year end – If you have employees that are going on holiday over year end, you must process their holiday pay in advance.
  • Extra pay period this year? – If you’re not sure if you have one, you can easily check your payroll data to see.
  • Are you ready for year end? – To successfully prepare for year end, you should check your 2015 information is correct and up to date.
  • Has the Central Statistics Office selected your company for surveying? – If they have, you must enable the CSO reporting option within Micropay.
  • Recording holidays in the new year – You can use the holiday accrual option to quickly and easily record holidays and process holiday pay.