VAT Rate change 21% to 23%
VAT Rate Change to 23%
On March 1st 2021 the standard rate of VAT in Ireland will be increased from 21% to 23%. This will involve reverting back to the…
Hireman Pro VAT Rate Change
Hireman Pro Vat Rate Change for January 1st 2012
As you aware, in the recent budget, the standard rate of VAT will be increased from 21% to 23% from January…
Exchequer Vat Rate Change
Exchequer VAT rate change for January 1st 2012
As you aware, in the recent budget, the standard rate of VAT will be increased from 21% to 23% from January…
Sage 50 VAT rate Change
Sage 50 Vat rate Change for January 1st 2012
As you are aware from the recent budget, the standard rate of VAT will be increased from 21% to 23% from…
Sage 50 VAT Rate Change July 1st 2011
Sage 50 Vat rate Change for July 1st 2011
The Minister for Finance has recently announced that a second reduced rate of 9% VAT will be introduced for the…
Switching to VAT Cash Accounting on Sage 50
Due to the depressed business environment, many businesses have experienced a reduction in sales income, thereby becoming eligible for Vat purposes to…
Hireman Pro Vat Rate Change
Hireman Pro Vat Rate Change for January 1st 2010
As you aware, in the recent budget, the standard rate of VAT will be reduced from 21.5% to 21% from January…
Exchequer VAT rate change
Exchequer VAT rate change for January 1st 2010
As you aware, in the recent budget, the standard rate of VAT will be reduced from 21.5% to 21% from January…
Sage 50 Vat Rate Change
Sage 50 Vat rate Change for January 1st 2010
As you are aware from the recent budget, the standard rate of VAT will be reduced from 21.5% to 21% from January…